Leslie Primary School recently visited us as part of their STEM learning project on aeronautics.
We were able to offer an up-close viewing of our gliders and tug aircraft, answer questions about flying, and allow them the opportunity to fly in our simulator and see a winch launch in action.

Although primary school kids are too young to be able to fly in our gliders, we do enjoy the opportunity to put aviation on the map for them and allow them to consider it as a very achievable and viable option for their future careers.

Our cadet program is open to those aged 13 through to 17. The age at which you can fly solo in a glider for the first time is 14 and we often find that kids this age are able to absorb the information and take to flying very easily and quickly.
Flying solo on their 14th birthday is an incredible achievement that many of our cadets can say they have done. Just imagine!
To find out more or apply to become a cadet member, contact our office for more information: Join the Scottish Gliding Centre